Keyboard Master will teach you touch typing quickly in a completely new way.
Instead of doing boring and monotonous drills, you will learn keyboarding while playing attractive games with the same or even better result.
In a few weeks time, even if you do nothing more than play our games regularly, you will be able to type quickly without errors, and without looking at the keyboard. And this skill will be yours forever!
Follow courses or learn free!
Depending on your preferences, you can learn by following one of the ready-made course scenarios included in the program, or choose exercises and games individually.
The courses are longer or shorter, both for beginners or advanced users. You can choose whether material is introduced more quickly or more slowly. You can also choose whether you want to learn the whole keyboard or only the part you use most often.
You can also take an exam and print a virtual certificate when completing the course.
Special educational games
Both games are incorporated in the course, so there appear only the letters you have already learned. There is no time to look at the keyboard to gain a satisfying result. Your result depends on the number of letters involved, speed and accuracy, so your score reflects your increasing touch-typing skills.
So even if you neglect our systematic courses, becoming the master of those games, means becoming the Keyboard Master and touch typing expert.
The Bomber Game
In the Bomber game you defend various towns or other objects against attacks from the air.
The Gallery Game
In the Gallery game you make wonderful pictures as when putting a jigsaw puzzle together.
To build the whole picture you must enter all appearing words in time and without mistakes.
You can also learn art and try to guess the painter just with few fragments. There is a huge art gallery (several hundred pictures). If you don't like art, you can choose landscape or animal photographs.